Thank you to our Paraprofessionals, Ms. Jeanette Thornton and Ms. Lindy Scheel. We appreciate all they do.

PLEASE NOTE: Track practice will be held at MCR-IV today. It will end at 5:30.
*Also, no HS Scholar Bowl Practice today.

THANK YOU! We want to give a shoutout to our students, parents, and families for your support with attendance. While we still have work to do, we want to thank you for your communication, doctor's notes, and for being present. Keep up the good work. #RaiderNation

Please note updates due to weather.
1. Tonight's baseball game at Southwest has been canceled (4-2-24).
2. Tomorrow's Junior High & High School track meet at Brunswick for tomorrow (4-3-24) has been postponed.
3. There will be baseball, track and scholar bowl practice today until 5:00 @ Bucklin. Bus time from MCR-IV is 3:30. (4-2-24)

HS Track meet for today is canceled due to forecasted weather.

Thank you to NECAC and our volunteers for helping facilitate the REALL simulation today with our high school students!

Tonight's baseball game vs. Braymer has been rescheduled for April 29th. Baseball will practice tonight at Bucklin, bus time 3:30 p.m. MC and return around 5:15 p.m.

It's not too late to order yours! Orders and money are due tomorrow.

Congrats to Laina B for advancing to state in Division II Prepared Public Speaking at the Northeast District FFA competition tonight in Monroe City. We wish her best of luck as she competes at state in April. #RaiderNation

Congrats to our MCR-IV Art students for their awards at the Tri-County Conference Art Show.
Quincy placed first in Division VIII Low-Relief Sculpture with her piece titled Everlasting Garden. Ana placed third in Division III Watercolor Painting with her artwork titled Parrot.

Congrats to our BMC scholar bowl teams for their accomplishments at the Tr-County Conference Tournament today. Junior High finished in 2nd place.
Congrats to Kayla & Laina for making the Tri-County All-Conference Teams.

If you would like to opt out your child(ren), please fill out the opt out form (https://forms.gle/Y8xhZbCUdm6VTKHeA), contact Mrs. Busick at bbusick@mcr4.k12.mo.us or call the school 660-226-5615

Junior High kicked off track season yesterday with a meet at Westran. We didn't come home with any medals, but they tried out some new events, found some things we need to work on, and had some girls improve from last year to get some personal best times and jumps.
Personal Bests from yesterday
Jenna Koger - 800 m
Jenna Koger - Long Jump
Kayla Jones - Long Jump
Berkeley Melton - 200 m

4th grade learned about moon phases with Oreo cookies.

Home opener for our BMC Baseball team is tonight! Game starts at 5:00 and will be played at Bucklin. We hope to see you there. Go BMC!

Brackets are out for the Conference Scholar Bowl tournament @ Linn County this Saturday. First match for High School is 9:00. Junior High's first match is set to start at 10:00. Come out and support our teams! Go BMC!

4th & 5th grade students read stories they wrote to PreK-2nd grade students this morning! They picked topics like kindness, honesty, feelings, and friendship.

Biology class had a fun lab today learning about adaptations. They did simple task with and without using their thumbs.

Culver-Stockton College High School Art Day was a great event for our students to experience hands on art workshops in campus studios with college professors. Students attended workshops in multimedia drawing, graphic design, ceramics, and printmaking. Ana, Maci, Quincy, Sam, and Bryce

Congratulations to our 3rd Quarter Honor Roll Students! Keep up the great work! #RaiderNation